Mastering Real Estate: Dinner with Oxford Properties Group, GAIA Real Estate, Marx Realty & The NRP Group

September 23 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT Manhattan address revealed upon registration

Monday, September 23rd
6:00 PM EDT

Manhattan address revealed upon registration


This program is intended for all YJP membership levels.

Please join us for an exciting evening with dinner, drinks, and strategic networking as we welcome top movers and shakers in Real Estate.

The evening's speakers include: 

*6:00pm: Dinner, Drinks, & Networking

*6:50pm: Development & Achievement Award presented to Ian Bruce Eichner, CEO, Chairman & Founder at Continuum Company presented by David Rosenberg, Counsel at Rosenberg & Estis

*7:00pm: Roundtable Breakout Sessions

Room 1-

Speaker: Danny Fishman, co-Founder & CEO at GAIA Real Estate

Moderator: Judah Rosenberg, VP at Greystone

Room 2-

Speaker: David Heller, President, CEO, & co-Founder at The NRP Group

Moderator: David E. Gross, Executive & Founder at GF55 Architects

Room 3-

Speaker: Dean Shapiro, Global Head of Development at Oxford Properties Group

Moderator: Jodi Stein, Partner at Sheppard Mullin

Room 4- 

Speaker: Craig Deitelzweig, CEO at Marx Realty

Moderator: Cynthia Wasserberger, Vice Chairman at JLL

*8:00pm: Dessert, Drinks & Mingling

For questions about the event please reach out to: 

Attendee Policy

YJP Business Programs are open to professionals from the ages of 26-40. If you are interested in attending, please apply by clicking the "register" button. A member of our team will review your information and get back to you shortly. If you are over age 40 and do not qualify for this session, we will be happy to provide further information on involvement opportunities for which you do qualify. Non-members of YJP are welcome to join one event to experience our group. After your first event we ask that you apply to become a member if you wish to continue being involved in our community.

Non-Solicitation Policy

YJP has a non-solicitation policy covering all of our conferences and events. In order to provide a distraction-free environment for our mentors, sponsors, attendees, and employees, we do not allow solicitation at our events by attendees or unauthorized parties without the express written permission or consent from YJP.


60168246030a2220bc3f6944067e654643e8bdc3 medium
Craig Deitelzweig
Marx Realty
0e3d81d9839b25d1317e4ae296048d2521110b68 medium
Danny Fishman
GAIA Real Estate
co-Founder & CEO
A573e7e8e763585e5f624fbc5b1b0c1da8ca5aa7 medium
David Heller
The NRP Group
President, CEO, co-Founder
6cbe074ad57c2f84eee04a82c4ddf02145070d93 medium
Dean Shaprio
Oxford Properties Group
SVP & Global Head of Development


Fb9ffd90218c67a0d385e15eed2053315ed729b5 medium
Ian Bruce Eichner
Continuum Company
Chairman & CEO


E7252ac342f59fd378bfc8a5bb43fcbb8220df1d medium
Cynthia Wasserberger
Vice Chairman, Alternative Investment Practice Group Leader
C1428efe51e9a1800ef9d4f2c99dcd3d5940b45c medium
David E. Gross
GF55 Architects
Executive Partner
7520d80b662e399a1d801b5a0feb3e4bd2843a43 medium
Jodi Stein
Sheppard Mullin
5cce87719871b48da04544997e7d673e6ac9a459 medium
Judah Rosenberg
Vice President

VIP Attendees

952e55e36a2e19b722334978e7455b36592f7da2 medium
David Rosenberg
Rosenberg & Estis
B86e6b29b8ca64067b15cdec4d46b60cca72ef60 medium
Greg Corbin
Northgate Real Estate Group
Dcc8b04c93ab13c129f9a16aaf3e63fb5e8ea8a3 medium
Joel Bergstein
Lincoln Equities Group (LEG)
Executive Chairman
C9b0476feb1879d106d801896f082cf597520965 medium
MaryAnne Gilmartin
MAG Partners
Founder & CEO


Partial Guest List

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